Expect Style - Pictures on CD & Other Items Order Form
Effective April 1, 2008

Instructions - Please print out this form as your picture order form along with the Payment & Contact Form

Wedding/Event Name ________________________________ Event Date ____________________

MOVIE SHOWS - shows are sent to you on DVD which can be viewed in a DVD player. Here's an idea: select 3 songs so that you can have one song played with your before photos, one song played with your ceremony photos and the a third song with your bridal/group portraits & reception photos - this is totally spectacular!

  • 1 song to approximately 42 pictures = $399
  • 2 songs to approximately 85 pictures = $449
  • 3 songs to approximately 125 pictures = $499
  • 4 songs to approximately 165 pictures = $549
  • 5 songs to approximately 205 pictures = $579

GREAT GIFT to give, In addition to the DVD ordered above, I would like to order additional copies

Additional DVD Movie Show Copies Ordered: _______ $35 each















Final Step in Ordering Process Complete: Payment & Contact Form
Return to Photography Page
